Wielka bliskość emocjonalna, przeżywana przede wszystkim w związkach partnerskich i relacjach...
Bajecznie kolorowa książeczka w kształcie kostki przeznaczona jest dla młodszych dzieci...
Obecnie, zainteresowanie seryjnymi mordercami spada, na rzecz masowych morderców. Być może...
Mastering Biology 3rd edition has been fully revised and updated to provide the information...
Mastering Chemistry has been completely rewritten to embrace the new syllabus changes which have...
This book is for anyone wanting to improve their communication skills and knowledge of how...
Have you ever wanted to write a computer program in which one computer could talk to another? Or...
Mastering English Grammar is a start-at-the-basics, no-nonsense English Grammar book, not only...
Mastering English Language combines a systematic, detailed and lively approach that will...
The third edition of this leading text provides a comprehensive guide to literary study. Emphasis...
This new edition of Mastering Physics has been completely updated and rewritten to give all the...
This book has an enormous amount to recommend it. Its strengths are the detailed coverage of...
Ideal for A/AS-level, BTEC, Further and Adult Education courses, Introduction to degrees. This...
Mastering Shakespeare covers in detail the plays set in the National Curriculum through GCSE and...
The third edition of this highly successful book covers all the essential information needed to...